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Is it time to invest in your Mental, Emotional and Spiritual health and wellbeing?

Facilitated Personal Development

Online with Amanda Fleming

Inner first - outer follows

"It's been about 6 months since I finished The Accelerator program and on a daily basis I am still reaping the benefits.

Amanda talked a lot about how things would "cook away in the background of your mind" while you go through this program and at first, I wondered how it could, but it DID and still continues to do so.


I feel like I will be continuously gaining new insights about myself and how I operate (and how I can change how I operate to be more closely aligned with what I want and my values).


This program has fundamentally changed me - changed the way that I think about myself, others and the world. It has empowered me to move in new directions and I cannot rave enough about it!


I know it's a big commitment - a year invested in your own personal development, chipping away at it week by week - but the benefits will last a lifetime and this is just the beginning of you tapping into your true potential!!

Get on board!!” 

(Kirsty - HR professional)

Are you ready to...

Get in the drivers seat of your life?

Take charge and make some changes for the better?

Take your practice to the next level? (you will know if something new wants to emerge...are you in a growth spurt?)

Develop inherent potentials naturally inside you?

Tap into your deepest wisdom even more easily? Deepen your conviction to your vocation/calling?

The ACCELERATOR is designed for humans who know learning and growth never stops. This online work brings Amanda's Superpowers growth framework to life (based on the book).

As a practitioner of any kind who works with other humans, it behoves us to make sure we are investing in our own evolution just as we encourage our clients and teams to do.

The ACCELERATOR is a potent game-changing programme that will teach you how to midwife your own transformation.

Treat it like a personal leadership programme of ongoing self-supervision and integrity checking and you will reap rewards!

If you know you are worth believing in, dive in fully and enjoy the benefits of:

  • Professional 'restoration' and ongoing personal mastery - grow skills and capability.

  • ‘Composting’ your past so it fertilises your future. No matter your history - you have a contribution only you can make!

  • Self belief, respect, worth and authentic (rather than manufactured) confidence

  • More wisdom, love, abundance, peace and joy... (and so much more). Service is the bridge

  • The courage to authentically communicate – telling your truth

  • Guilt-free and shame-free living - freedom of expression

  • A solid and clear sense of personal purpose, value and meaning in life – come home to yourself

  • Designing and living a life that feels and is, truly worthwhile! Let's face it - Life is short!

Ready to grow?

Ready to get on track with the

NATURAL trajectory of your best potentials?

Join The Accelerator today and gently set forth

on a meaningful journey of self discovery with your guide,

Amanda Fleming.

Complete the for and you will underway in moments.

NOTE: You can work to the weekly schedule or dip in and out as you choose.

YOU are in the drivers seat at all times.

NOTE: To avoid coaching emails bouncing use your best personal email to register.

Who it THE ACCELERATOR designed for?

  • 21st Century Leaders (that is a mind-set)

    Busy professional people leaders

    Coaches of all persuasions

    Community Leaders





    Human adults ;)

  • Accelerator feedback...

    "This course is a great gift to you . It is a journey of intent....a commitment to who you are and who you might like to become with some rounder softer edges.

    It is at your own pace and no pressure....it is soul food. Amanda is an articulate master and wordsmith"

    (Current Participant)

    "The Accelerator came at such a perfect time for me. It was full of learning and insights. Juicy gold nuggets of goodness. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I Found it confronting and yet nurturing and supportive all in one. Congratulations on what you have brought to the world. I have recommended it to friends and family and will continue to do so as I believe it is a fantastic platform to learn and love oneself ."


    "What an amazing course you’ve created here. Couldn’t wish for a more supportive, wise and resourced guide. The most significant result from the year has been a shift in my default ‘self-critical setting’. Alongside that is now a gentler voice that reframes whatever I’m beginning to criticise, shame or blame with compassion, kindness and encouragement; it’s making more space for daring and being seen. Heartfelt thanks"


    !! IMPORTANT !!

    In joining this non-religious programme of personal discovery it is important you understand you are 100% responsible for yourself and your results. This is a programme of very private personal education and is not promoted as therapy (although you may find it therapeutic).

    Before you join, please read the Accelerator terms of service as well as our website terms of service and disclaimer.

    By joining The ACCELERATOR you are acknowledging you understand and agree.

    If you have a diagnosed mental health condition it is important you consult with your medical professional before joining this programme so as to support yourself best.

    Bottom line, this work is about you as a human adult first - it's not about your politics, religion, colour, sexual preference, culture or any other way you identify.

    All these are important but underpinning it all is who you are becoming - in every moment. If you consider your consciousness a garden, The Accelerator is a greenhouse loaded with tools and organic fertilisers!

    Accelerator FAQ's



    Lifetime access to The Accelerator:

    Best price: Free - for Life (no strings)


    If you find yourself recognising value along the way, and you have the means, and you have the inclination, and you want to contribute to ensuring this programme stays free to anyone who wants to engage, you will have opportunities through the programme starting in Module 3 for 'Koha'.

    Koha in Maori tradition is a gift, a contribution, an acknowledgment. Size doesn't matter! 

    With Personal 1-1 Coaching

    Lifetime access plus one to one personal coaching with Amanda. (Limited spaces)

    $2450NZ plus GST

    Every module you and I schedule a 60-90 minute personal debrief to help you stay on track. This option is for those who know an accountability partner will help with your commitment to complete. To apply for this option please email me at:

    [email protected] and we will make a time to discuss.

    © Amanda Fleming - Presenter at Large Ltd   1 Nith St, Oamaru New Zealand